“When conscious reading becomes meaningless”
Intensified reading of Syria warfare
in late 2016
Experimental Drawing, Spring 2017
Instructor: Marcin Kedzior
Featured in Rewired: Art x Bissell Exhibition, University of Toronto
Experimental Drawing, Spring 2017
Instructor: Marcin Kedzior
Featured in Rewired: Art x Bissell Exhibition, University of Toronto

Demographic Distribution of Death by Government Force in Syria
October 2016
Civilian 268, woman 92, children under eighteen 113, torture 24
October 2016
Civilian 268, woman 92, children under eighteen 113, torture 24

Death Toll in Syria by Different Parties
October 2016
Government force 741, Russian force 358, ISIS 70, Unidentified groups 43, Kurdish forces 17
October 2016
Government force 741, Russian force 358, ISIS 70, Unidentified groups 43, Kurdish forces 17

Proportions of Death by Types of Weapons in Syria
October 2016
Ariel attack 516, cannons and tanks 208, other reasons 194, ISIS executions 17
October 2016
Ariel attack 516, cannons and tanks 208, other reasons 194, ISIS executions 17

Ratio of Death of Civilians versus Non-civilians
October 2016
Civilians/Non-civilians = 894/465